Welcome to our little land of milk and honey, where we live a quiet, simple life of homesteading, homeschooling, handcrafting, and homemaking! Here's a little history behind our story: We moved to a rented and beautiful ,generations-old dairy farm in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia in 2012, leaving the hustle and bustle of "suburbia" and haven't looked back. After falling in love with the area and deciding that the mountains were definitely where we wanted to call home, we started searching for a farm we could call our own. In the spring of 2019, we found our "forever-farm" off of the Blue Ridge Parkway, where we moved our beloved Oberhasli, Alpine, and Ober-Alpine dairy goats-- along with our many other animals-- to this beautiful place located just under the shadow of Buffalo Mountain. Lots of renovation work and construction has come with this move, giving us plenty to do for months to come! We dreamed of a better life for our children, a simpler life with stronger work-ethics, the country life I knew and loved when I was a child, and like-minded friends for ourselves and our children. And we found it all here in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia! Our four children have been homeschooled their entire lives, with the exception of our oldest who went to kindergarten. Homeschooling has been a wonderful, exhausting, time-consuming, inspiring, joyous, aggravating, everything-we-hoped-for, what-was-I-thinking, amazingly awesome experience. Honestly, we don't want it to end. Well, what we mean is we don't want the close-knit family ties that homeschooling has introduced firmly into our family life to ever end. And thankfully we know it won't. We are ever so thankful for the memories we've made side by side that have glued our past to our present and our present to our future. Included in our homeschooling experience is our farming and homesteading life. We grow many of our own heirloom vegetables using organic methods and work hard each year to grow more and more produce that will lead us to a self-sustaining lifestyle. We raise chickens for eggs and meat, a couple of cows for meat, Registered Oberhasli, Alpine, & Ober/Alpine dairy goats for dairy products and skin care, Registered Australian Shepherd herding dogs, and other creatures great and small for our pleasure, profit, and education. We've been blessed with a family that loves to work around the farm, making the adventure of homesteading possible for us all. We have graduated two of our sons from homeschool and enjoy their company working in our family business. We are learning new skills each day, and strive toward more knowledge of times gone by- when working the land meant survival. We are thankful for modern times that allow us to run to the store for necessities, but treasure the fact that we have the ability and experience to provide for ourselves as well. Homesteading has made all this possible! Providing raw goat milk, goat cheeses, yogurt, buttermilk, and other dairy products has been a long-time kitchen activity in our home and we are blessed to share these products with our community through our dairy herdshare program. We keep a very clean farm- including our barns, rotational browsing pastures, milking parlor, animals, and dairy-producing facility- that has made it possible for our dairy products to become some of our family's favorite staples for the past many years-- sharing with our local customers seems only right! Check out our herdshare page for more info! We also offer fresh eggs from our heritage breed chickens and raw honey from our friends at Bee Happy Apiary! We love to work with our hands, and seeing the beauty that comes from our work just fuels the flame. Soap making became a hobby our entire family benefited from many years ago- and we truly love sharing our herbal infused goat milk soaps with the community at local farmers markets, festivals, shops, and online at our Etsy store. We truly respect the fact that the crafts we make now for our own pleasure and profit, were made many years ago out of necessity. We believe fully that crafting is so much more than a "lost art"- handicrafts have a dedicated past with a history of hard work, intricate detail, an eye for beauty, a need for excellence, and a love for those the craft was made for. As we craft our own soaps, herbal skin care, & other homestead pursuits, we strive for the same exact results. This is our life and we are blessed by it! So sit for a spell and enjoy our website. Or check out our soaping page to see why we love goat milk soap so much and where you can purchase some of your own. Check out our animals on our breeds page, and even keep an eye out for animals we may have for sale! You never know if you have a homesteader inside of you- but either way, we hope our website will encourage you to work more with your hands, grow close to your family, depend strongly on God, and be good stewards to home, land, and animals. . So, please, make yourselves at home here on our website. Enjoy yourselves and be blessed!
Weeping Willow Farm- Remembering the traditions of the past so we can provide for the generations to come!
Voted 2020 Small Business of the Year Award by the NRV Sheep and Goat Club!